Non destructive tests

Non destructive tests

Non-destructive tests and tests are the beating heart to ensure reliable safety. Aircraft and spacecraft are vivid examples of the effectiveness of non-destructive tests,

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Types of examination and training

Types of examination and training

Liquid Penetrant Visual Inspection Magnetic Particle Eddy Current Ultrasonic Testing Radiation Safety

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The laboratory provides a number of traditional and advanced tests in the field of non-destructive engineering testing of materials, polymers and many industrial sectors.

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Quality Professional Training Center

Quality Professional Training Center


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We are a partner in the ASNT   We rely on all decisions adopted by the American Society for Non-Destructive Testing and Testing Training courses were also approved by the General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training

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Technical Skill Development Courses, Safety, Management and Quality

NDT Aviation Services

Mechanical Inspection and Non Destructive Testing Program


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Quality Professional center. Testing Provides the following testing services:

(Radiographic Testing (RT
Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) Wet Fluorescent, Wet & Dry Visible Examination
Liquid Penetrant (PT) Fluorescent & Visible Examination & Red Visible Dye
Ultrasonic Testing (UT) Longitudinal & Shear Wave Examination
(Positive Material Inspection (PMI
Hardness, Brinell Testing
Visual (VT) Examination
Weld Procedures and Welders Qualifications Generated for ASME, AWS, MIL, and others
(Destructive Testing (Tensile, Bend, Macro Etch
Additional Testing, Welding and Training to meet many MIL Standards, AWS & more
All NDE (Non-Destructive Examination) technicians are qualified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A & Military Standards. Levels l, ll & lll on staff.


أن تكون شركة إحتراف الجودة للفحص و التدريب الشركة الرائدة في الفحوصات الغير تدميرية ذات خبرات وطنية ذو سمعة عالمية في مجال نقل المعرفة، وتقديم الفحص والتدريب المهني المتخصص للقطاع العام والخاص والمجتمع.


For the Professional Quality Inspection and Training Company to be the leading company in non-destructive testing with national expertise and a global reputation in the field of knowledge transfer, testing and specialized professional training for the public and private sectors and the community.


تقديم خدمات الفحص والتدريب والتأهيل المهني المعتمد، بهدف نقل المعرفة للمستفيدين بمفهوم القطاع الخاص وبجودة عالية، من خلال توظيف الامكانيات البشرية والمادية والمعرفية، وبناء الشراكات الاستراتيجية محلياً ودولياً.

The message

Providing approved professional examination, training and qualification services, with the aim of transferring knowledge to beneficiaries in the concept of the private sector with high quality, through the employment of human, material and knowledge capabilities, and building strategic partnerships locally and internationally.

Khaled Alserhani

General manager NAS410 Level 3

في ظل الطفرة الكبيرة في حجم المشاريع والتطور في شتى المجالات الصناعية والمعمارية التي تشهدها المملكة العربية السعودية لمواكبة رؤية المملكة للعام ٢٠٣٠ م والتي تجعل في مقدمتها الاهتمام الكبير بالجودة والسلامة ومن اهمها الفحوصات الغير تدميرية . لذا خصصت شركة احتراف الجودة اهم انشطتها في مجال التدريب والتأهيل فقد أنشأت الشركة اول مركز متخصص في الفحوصات الغير تدميرية بالاضافة الى المختبرات الخاصة بها .

اقرأ المزيد  


Raising the Center's contribution to the provision of employment opportunities

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Teamwork as one team

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Methodology of work

We work closely with our partners in the public, private and community sectors.

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قائمة الدورات التدريبية NDI

قائمة الدورات التشغيلية لاجهزة NDI

دورة NDT جميع المستويات

دورة الفحوصات الغير إتلافية NDT والتي تعتمد على المناهج المعتمدة من الجمعية الامريكية للفحوصات الغير إتلافية ASNT



NDT Basic Theory.pdffTECHNICAL MANUAL NONDESTRUCTIVE INSPECTION METHODS, BASIC THEORY (ATOS) THIS MANUAL SUPERSEDES T.O. 33B-1-1, DATED 1 JANUARY 2005, AND ALL SUBSEQUENT CHANGES. THIS MANUAL HAS BEEN EXTENSIVELY REWRITTEN; THEREFORE, REVISION BARS HAVE BEEN OMITTED. ARMY Wherever the text of this manual refers to Air Force technical orders for supportive information, PERSONNEL: refer to the comparable Army documents. NAVY OPNAV instruction 4790.2 and weapon system specific manuals take precedence over this manual. PERSONNEL: DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. PA Case Number SPR50014. Submit recommended changes or problems with this Technical Order to 558 CBSS/GBHA.